Legacy Output

GAC I/O module

The I/O module generates three HDF5 files, one containing reflectances, brightness temperatures, and lat/lon information. The other output file contains solar and satellite zenith and azimuth angles. And the third file contains quality flags.

The output file name format is:







ECC: ESA CCI Clouds (This prefix can be changed/specified by the user)

avhrr: denoting that it contains reflectances and BTs

sunsatangles: denoting that it contains angles

qualflags: denoting that it contains quality flag information

yyyymmddThhmmsstZ: yy:year, mm:month, dd:day, hh:hour, mm:min, ss:sec, t:tenth of second (for the start and the end of the orbit).

Letters T and Z are separators for time info.

The value of 99999 is currently used instead of providing actual orbit number.

Appendices A, B and C provide detailed format of these files, including variable names, scaling, etc.

The start and end times in the header and in actual L1b data can be different for orbits. The mismatch can range from few milliseconds to days. It was decided to trust the time stamps in L1b data in Pygac. After reorganizing based on scanline numbers (see issue highlighted above), the time stamps from the first and the last scanlines are taken as start and end times.

In some orbits, the latitude and longitude information contains corrupt values for a part/s of the orbit and these scanlines are not flagged in the corresponding scanline-by-scaline quality flags. Currently, Pygac uses only a simple if_else construct to constrain valid range. Further improvement could be done using extra- and interpolation techniques.

For extremely warm and cold temperatures, the channel 3b is saturating producing irrelevant brightness temperatures. Such saturation is often not flagged in quality information. Pygac currently uses a simple if_else construct to constrain valid range of Bts (170.0K<BT<350.0K). Such condition is also applied to split-window channels.

pygac.gac_io.avhrrGAC_io(satellite_name, xutcs, startdate, enddate, starttime, endtime, arrLat_full, arrLon_full, ref1, ref2, ref3, bt3, bt4, bt5, arrSZA, arrSTZ, arrSAA, arrSTA, arrRAA, qual_flags, start_line, end_line, total_number_of_scan_lines, last_scan_line_number, corr, gac_file, midnight_scanline, miss_lines, output_file_prefix, avhrr_dir, qual_dir, sunsatangles_dir)
pygac.gac_io.save_gac(satellite_name, xutcs, lats, lons, ref1, ref2, ref3, bt3, bt4, bt5, sun_zen, sat_zen, sun_azi, sat_azi, rel_azi, qual_flags, start_line, end_line, gac_file, meta_data, output_file_prefix, avhrr_dir, qual_dir, sunsatangles_dir)

Supplement A: Structure of an output file containing reflectances and brightness temperatures

Input: L1b file: NSS.GHRR.NN.D06279.S1800.E1955.B0711012.GC


Group how {
     char channel_list(6, 9);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:05Z";

   how:yaw_error = 0.0; // double
   how:roll_error = 0.0; // double
   how:pich_error = 0.0; // double
   how:startepochs = 1160157611L; // long
   how:endepochs = 1160164510L; // long
   how:platform = "noaa18";
   how:instrument = "avhrr";
   how:orbit_number = 99999; // int
   how:software = "pyGAC";
   how:version = "1.0";

 Group image1 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:05Z";

   Group how {
     how:sun_earth_distance_correction_applied = "TRUE";
     how:sun_earth_distance_correction_factor = 0.9982412208987179; // double

   Group what {
     what:product = "SATCH";
     what:quantity = "REFL";
     what:dataset_name = "Channel 1 reflectance";
     what:units = "%";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 0.0f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image1:channel = "1";
   image1:description = "AVHRR ch1";

 Group image2 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:05Z";

   Group how {
     how:sun_earth_distance_correction_applied = "TRUE";
     how:sun_earth_distance_correction_factor = 0.9982412208987179; // double

   Group what {
     what:product = "SATCH";
     what:quantity = "REFL";
     what:dataset_name = "Channel 2 reflectance";
     what:units = "%";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 0.0f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image2:channel = "2";
   image2:description = "AVHRR ch2";

 Group image3 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:05Z";

   Group how {

   Group what {
     what:product = "SATCH";
     what:quantity = "TB";
     what:dataset_name = "Channel 3b brightness temperature";
     what:units = "K";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 273.15f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image3:description = "AVHRR ch3b";
   image3:channel = "3b";

 Group image4 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:05Z";

   Group how {

   Group what {
     what:product = "SATCH";
     what:quantity = "TB";
     what:dataset_name = "Channel 4 brightness temperature";
     what:units = "K";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 273.15f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image4:channel = "4";
   image4:description = "AVHRR ch4";

 Group image5 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:05Z";

   Group how {

   Group what {
     what:product = "SATCH";
     what:quantity = "TB";
     what:dataset_name = "Channel 5 brightness temperature";
     what:units = "K";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 273.15f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image5:channel = "5";
   image5:description = "AVHRR ch5";

 Group image6 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:05Z";

   Group how {
     how:sun_earth_distance_correction_applied = "TRUE";
     how:sun_earth_distance_correction_factor = 0.9982412208987179; // double

   Group what {
     what:product = "SATCH";
     what:quantity = "REFL";
     what:dataset_name = "Channel 3a reflectance";
     what:units = "%";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 0.0f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image6:channel = "3a";
   image6:description = "AVHRR ch3a";

 Group what {
   what:object = "SATP";
   what:sets = 6; // int
   what:version = "H5rad ?.?";
   what:date = "20061006";
   what:time = "180011";

 Group where {

   Group lat {
       int data(13686, 409);
         :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:05Z";

     Group what {
       what:dataset_name = "Latitude";
       what:units = "Deg";
       what:gain = 0.001f; // float
       what:offset = 0.0f; // float
       what:missingdata = -32001; // int
       what:nodata = -32001; // int
       what:starttime = "180011";
       what:endtime = "195510";
       what:startdate = "20061006";
       what:enddate = "20061006";

   Group lon {
       int data(13686, 409);
         :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:05Z";

     Group what {
       what:dataset_name = "Longitude";
       what:units = "Deg";
       what:gain = 0.001f; // float
       what:offset = 0.0f; // float
       what:missingdata = -32001; // int
       what:nodata = -32001; // int
       what:starttime = "180011";
       what:endtime = "195510";
       what:startdate = "20061006";
       what:enddate = "20061006";

   where:num_of_pixels = 409; // int
   where:num_of_lines = 13686; // int
   where:xscale = 0.0f; // float
   where:yscale = 0.0f; // float

Supplement B: Structure of an output file containing Sun and satellite positions

Input: L1b file: NSS.GHRR.NN.D06279.S1800.E1955.B0711012.GC


Group how {
   how:yaw_error = 0.0; // double
   how:roll_error = 0.0; // double
   how:pich_error = 0.0; // double
   how:startepochs = 1160157611L; // long
   how:endepochs = 1160164510L; // long
   how:platform = "noaa18";
   how:instrument = "avhrr";
   how:orbit_number = 99999; // int
   how:software = "pyGAC";
   how:version = "1.0";

 Group image1 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:06Z";

   Group what {
     what:product = "SUNZ";
     what:quantity = "DEG";
     what:dataset_name = "Solar zenith angle";
     what:units = "Deg";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 0.0f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image1:description = "Solar zenith angle";

 Group image2 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:06Z";

   Group what {
     what:product = "SATZ";
     what:quantity = "DEG";
     what:dataset_name = "Satellite zenith angle";
     what:units = "Deg";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 0.0f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image2:description = "Satellite zenith angle";

 Group image3 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:06Z";

   Group what {
     what:product = "SSAZD";
     what:quantity = "DEG";
     what:dataset_name = "Relative satellite-sun azimuth angle";
     what:units = "Deg";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 0.0f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image3:description = "Relative satellite-sun azimuth angle";

 Group image4 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:06Z";

   Group what {
     what:product = "SUNA";
     what:quantity = "DEG";
     what:dataset_name = "Solar azimuth angle";
     what:units = "Deg";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 180.0f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image4:description = "Solar azimuth angle";

 Group image5 {
     short data(13686, 409);
       :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:06Z";

   Group what {
     what:product = "SATA";
     what:quantity = "DEG";
     what:dataset_name = "Satellite azimuth angle";
     what:units = "Deg";
     what:gain = 0.01f; // float
     what:offset = 180.0f; // float
     what:missingdata = -32001; // int
     what:nodata = -32001; // int
     what:starttime = "180011";
     what:endtime = "195510";
     what:startdate = "20061006";
     what:enddate = "20061006";

   image5:description = "Satellite azimuth angle";

 Group what {
   what:object = "SATP";
   what:sets = 5; // int
   what:version = "H5rad ?.?";
   what:date = "20061006";
   what:time = "180011";

 Group where {

   Group lat {
       int data(13686, 409);
         :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:06Z";

     Group what {
       what:dataset_name = "Latitude";
       what:units = "Deg";
       what:gain = 0.001f; // float
       what:offset = 0.0f; // float
       what:missingdata = -32001; // int
       what:nodata = -32001; // int
       what:starttime = "180011";
       what:endtime = "195510";
       what:startdate = "20061006";
       what:enddate = "20061006";

   Group lon {
       int data(13686, 409);
         :_lastModified = "2014-10-29T13:55:06Z";

     Group what {
       what:dataset_name = "Longitude";
       what:units = "Deg";
       what:gain = 0.001f; // float
       what:offset = 0.0f; // float
       what:missingdata = -32001; // int
       what:nodata = -32001; // int
       what:starttime = "180011";
       what:endtime = "195510";
       what:startdate = "20061006";
       what:enddate = "20061006";

   where:num_of_pixels = 409; // int
   where:num_of_lines = 13686; // int
   where:xscale = 0.0f; // float
   where:yscale = 0.0f; // float

Supplement C: Structure of an output file containing quality flags

The file that contains quality flags has following information.

1) There is a variable called qual_flags/data. It will have a dimension of (X,7), where X is the number of data records in the GAC orbit. The 7 columns contain the following information.

Col 1

Scan line number

Col 2

Fatal error flag (scan line should not be used for analysis).

Col 3

Insufficient data for calibration (scan line should not be used for analysis).

Col 4

Insufficient data for navigation (scan line should not be used for analysis).

Col 5-7

whether solar contamination of blackbody occurred in in channels 3, 4, and 5 respectively.

If the values for these flags are greater than zero, then the data should not be used. If everything is normal, then all values should be zero.

2) There are also two important attributes that provide “last scan line number” and “total number of data records”.

By combining information from column 1 and these two attributes, the user is able to figure out where the gap occurs and also exact time for each scan line.