
You can install the latest stable release of the software via the python package index (pypi)

pip install pygac

TLE files

The pygac package requires Two-Line Element files stored per-satellite in files with names such as TLE_noaa19.txt. The contents should be the historical TLEs, i.e. a concatenation of just lines 1 and 2 without the satellite name. For example

1 23455U 94089A   01122.93455091  .00000622  00000-0  36103-3 0  7210
2 23455  99.1771 113.3063 0008405 277.6106  82.4106 14.12671703326608
1 23455U 94089A   01326.97611660  .00000739  00000-0  42245-3 0  9806
2 23455  99.1886 322.4670 0009980  66.2863 293.9354 14.12871991355419

These can be downloaded from CelesTrak via the special data request form.


For development clone the repository from github and install pygac in editable mode.

git clone git://
cd pygac
pip install -e .[dev]

It is recommended to activate pre-commit checks.

pre-commit install

The test suite can be run using pytest.

pytest -vs pygac/tests